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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Add Advertising-To do your marketing

When it comes to advertising for network marketing there are various ways of advertising. Here are just a few that you may be familiar with: ad-words, facebook, classified, blogs, forums and all other kinds of social media sites that are making it very simple to do so. However, you will have to keep in mind that some of these will cost you a lot of money and there are the free ones. Keep in mind for the advertising that cost you money the conversion rate may not be so good, and may leave you in a loss situation. There are many network marketers who use this form of advertising to do this but, realized that they were spending a lot of money on adwords and facebook and other sites with no return. 

I will list some great ways to add advertising to your online business:

1. Volunteer at a local community organization

2. Do a Newsletter (online and off line)

3. Support a charity

4. Online marketing

5. Use MLM scripts

6. Email Email Email
Advice from Professional Webmasters has always been this: use google search keywords such as Make Money Classifieds, Online Business Classifieds, Internet Business Classifieds, Internet Business 24 Hours, MLM Prelaunch, (and you will find their websites). You can post free ads at the top ranking websites that are most popular. When using free sites they will give you lots of online exposure, and your branding is enhanced. Finally, you will increase your website rankings and ultimately draw traffic to your website.
This brief information in this post Add Advertising gives you a guide as to what you can do to get your business to the next level. I strongly suggest this book: Your 1st Year in Network Marketing. It is a book that is read in the industry, you will gain lot of knowledge and understanding as well as great advice.Click here  for your free added bonus.

Best success to you in adding your advertising to your business.

Ann Moses

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